
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Technology: More Than Meets The Eye - Week 7, #17

Technology is a wonderful thing. I'm old enough to remember a life without computers, microwaves, cell phones or space shuttles and I can state unequivocally that life is better with technology than without. Those people who wax poetic about slow cooking or the peaceful quiet before cell phones obviously don't remember slaving for hours over hot cooktops or being stranded on a freeway overpass and having to walk 2 miles to a pay phone. These are probably the same ingrates who love camping. Ahhh....the great outdoors! No air-conditioning, no indoor plumbing...just sweaty, dirty you, squatting behind a bush with the mosquitoes! No thanks.

Personally, I embrace technology. I don't want to go back to a time when a Blackberry was something that dribbled down your chin and your lap top was just a place where you put your napkin to catch the juice. For now, technology makes life just a little bit easier for all of us. Who knows if computers and robots will, if they haven't already, take over the world and turn us into their techno-dependent slaves. Nah....that's just science fiction. Gotta run...anyone seen that new movie, "Transformers"?


Snapshot said...

An interesting piece of writing about the importance of technology in our daily lives. I really don't know how I got through high school without the Internet. . .

3rD iN a LiNe oF 7eVeN said...

I use my stove, hate to clean up afterwards, wish technology would fix that. I will not leave my home without all my tools: camera, fully charged ipod, tv, radio and cellphone. I enjoyed reading what you said about Technology.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I read about how hard life was in your day. I mean, how did you feel when those generous Native Americans helped your group survive that first Thanksgiving?

secret asian girl said...

Dear Circ Sam,
There you go again with your sad and bitter comments. You have no idea how hard life was then but remember, I see you every day so I may be able to give you a pretty good sample.
PS: We called them "injuns" back then.

CC's Mom said...

You go, girl!