
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Don't Check This Out From The Library!

That's right...I said "Don't check it out," because you should BUY this book. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the sale of "A Rare Breed of Love" goes towards the author's fight against puppy mills. Baby is a puppy mill survivor who spent the first almost ten years of her life in horrific circumstances: crowded, filthy, disease-infested cages that make up breeding camps known as puppy mills. Many internet pet sites and pet stores get their animals from puppy mills where dogs are bred every cycle until they are no longer "useful." Baby lost her leg due to her inactive, malnourished life and her vocal chords were cut so she couldn't cry out for help. Now she and her rescuer, Jana Kohl, are traveling the country telling her story and speaking out against puppy mills. They plan on ending their trip in Washington D.C. to urge legislators to help put an end to puppy mills with the help of the Humane Society of the U.S. You can visit Baby's website to read her story. The book is filled with pictures of Baby with "celebrities" like Barack Obama, James Cromwell, Eric Idle, Lindsay Lohan and more. I couldn't stop crying as I read this book. I was horrified and you should be too. While Baby's story reminds us of the worst part of human nature, she is also a symbol of hope, forgiveness and compassion. Even as the mistreated puppies cower in the corners of their filthy cages, they still yearn for human love. Please consider adoption and stop buying from pet stores and internet sites. And remember to give your own furry friend lots of hugs and sloppy kisses. They deserve it.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Batman Forever

Tonight my 18-year old son and I are going to the midnight showing of the new Batman movie. As you can see, the Darknight Detective has been a part of our lives for a VERY long time. Believe me, if there was any chance that these outfits still fit, he'd be wearing them tonight.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Where's Matt Now?

Some of you may remember this guy from a few years ago who danced his way around the world - 39 countries to be exact - and on to internet stardom. Here's a video of his latest trip. Check out the video that started it all on his website, I love the world music from the first one and put it on my iPod - "Sweet Lullaby" by Deep Forest.

The places this guy goes are unbelievable. Makes one think less of the differences in people around the world and more of what we have in common: Bad dancing. Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sam Says....

Not everyone can call for help or apply for federal assistance.
If you can, please help those who can't help themselves.
Thank you.