
Monday, October 22, 2007

Wiki Wiki? Pupule Kela! - Week 7, #16

In this exercise I learned about Wikis and how their name is derived from the Hawaiian word for "fast." Cute. I guess speed is essential but so is accuracy. My Dad, who was from Hawaii, would say "Pupule Kela!", or "Are you crazy?" This would usually be followed by a swift thump to my forehead, "No kahako!" (No brains!) Ouch. Huh?

Initially, I liked the idea of sharing information. Like a bulletin board in a global village, if you'll indulge my metaphor. Trouble is, you know who lives in the village? That's right...the local idiot. And for some reason, he likes to share his thoughts. A lot. Seriously...can't get him to shut up. (By the way, there's no real reason why I chose to say "he" rather than "she." *smirk*) Not to say that there's not a lot of good, mostly accurate information in Wikis, but are we qualified enough to be able to discern the difference? Can we sift through the chaff to get to the grain? Discard the husk to crack open the nut? According to the video, Wikis are merely a starting place; a point of origin, and not a podium. Hopefully, someone told the idiot.


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