
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cinderella Complex - Week 3, #5

Apparently, a source of great amusement at our branch is a photo on the front cover of "Chinese Cinderella," by Adeline Yen Mah. Some of the staff believe that the picture bears an uncommon resemblance to a photo of ME, at age 3. Since the comparison sends at least one co-worker (one in particular) into hysterics every time the book passes through our branch (AND since my assignment this week is to post photos) I will let you decide.

Has the laughing subsided? Okay....first I will concede that there is a "slight" resemblance but mainly because 1) we're both Chinese - and you know how indistinguishable we all are - and 2) we are standing with the same body language. Her dress is prettier (I am in my p.j's) and her hair has ribbons in it, but I hope that my nifty pink, acrylic fur-topped booties don't escape your notice. Even at age three I'm endeavoring to be a "Glamour 'Do'"!! And even though the subtitle of the book is "The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter," my expression is most definitely NOT one of feeling unloved. It's more likely an expression of "will-you-quit-taking-my-picture-all-the-time?" See, as Asians, we're *required* to capture every waking minute of our children on film. Annoying but true....and my parents were very fond of their Kodak Instamatic.

So, no Cinderella here -- but I wouldn't turn away a Fairy Godmother.

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