Listverse published an article recently about the
Ten Skills Every Man Should Have. To those of you who are shocked that I'm commenting on a list of skill sets bordering on sexist and no doubt prejudicially gender specific.... get over it. As the mother of a 20-year old son, I have to admit that it would be nice if he were on the plus side of knowing these. Right now, he's about 6 out of 10 but I'm working on it. And some of these definitely cross gender lines. In a nutshell:
1) Score a baseball game - not sure why this is important but apparently, all men should know why BB stands for "walk."
2) Build a fire. I've seen Survivor (in fact, every darn episode but that's another story) and everyone knows that building a fire is the ultimate tie-breaker - and fire is life - so, yes, I can see that.
3) Tie a tie. Still don't get why some men never mastered this skill and continue to ask us to do it for them. Men look great in ties, so I agree
4) Hold their own in a sport. Any sport. Women like men to be physically fit. Sexist or not, non-athletic men are, yes.
5) Car maintenance. Better him than me, so yes, a man should be able to change a tire, identify all fluids or at least know how to get the car to someone who
can fix it.
6) Wingman. Apparently, this is part of the much lauded
"Bro Code." Don't get it, but at least it forces them to befriend someone.
7) Converse. How many men do you know who only grunt at you and expect you to understand? Come out of the cave and quit being afraid to interject an opinion - even if it IS totally wrong (snort!)
8) Basic first aid. Children do not need Mom to affix a Bandaid. Men should be able to stop bleeding, reduce a fever and clean a wound. And when YOU get sick, having to force feed Tylenol to you while you whine, "Feel my head!" does not endear you to us.
9) Fix things. This one is for women too but tell the truth, there's nothing less attractive than an incompetent man, right?
10) Cook. Also, for women. Really. It's not that hard. I've always said, "If you can read, you can cook." Everyone should be able to come up with a basic, nutritious, homemade meal without having to, "Fold back foil to reveal tater tots." Also, Top Ramen and Pop Tarts don't count. And ladies, you know when a man invites you over to his place because he's prepared a meal all by himself, just for you ....he's a keeper.
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