
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wellness #41: Going Green Pt. 1

It's not easy being...well, green. Asking someone if they'd like to go green is like asking, "Do you like puppies and flowers?" Of course you do -- or at least, you wouldn't admit it if you didn't. It's just that "going green" is an inconvenient truth. Organic veggies, hybrid cars, biodegradeble containers are more expensive. And while I'd love to ditch those plastic bags at the grocery store in favor of those teeny cloth ones, I'd probably need to haul 20 of them with me every time I go. Whether you admit it or not, convenience sometimes wins out over concern for the environment. Don't get me wrong, I've bought those Dairy Queen swirly light bulbs for the house. They're supposed to last 5 years or more but I had to wince at the cost - $5 each. I realize that over time, it pays for itself but I can see where the initial output can be off-putting. Serving only organic fruits and vegetables can also be cost-prohibitive. What's a conscientious single mom to do? The exercises were interesting, if not helpful. I know they're designed to motivate but sometimes, they just serve up guilt. I did like the calculators that show you which produce is more susceptible to pesticides so I can pick and choose which to invest in. I've been to the Farmer's Market - and loved it - but how much gas will I burn driving across town to buy $6 a basket organic strawberries? Excuses....perhaps, but also pragmatic rationale.

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