
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Top Ten Most Racist Toys Ever Made

It's a good thing I have a healthy self-image because when I saw these "Chop Suey Specs" I might have reacted differently than how I actually reacted, which was almost shooting water from my nose when I laughed. And this is not, by any stretch, the worst toy on the list of Top Ten Most Racist Toys Ever Made. Clearly, the intent of the genius who created these gems was humor. Unfortunately, this type of parody is based largely on ignorance (and hate) and the desire to point out physical differences, usually for personal gain. Racism is never funny. Cemeteries are filled with people who are not laughing. When I laughed, it came from many years of exposure to this crap and at the realization of how purely stupid some people can be. And don't forget...these are TOYS. They're meant for children. It's no wonder kids come in to the library and say, "Chinese...Japanese...what's the difference?" Um, let's see...two whole different countries???!!! Geez. Take a look at the list and if the toys themselves are not sobering enough for you note that while some of these toys are pre-Civil War era, these glasses...and the Obama sock monkey were on the shelves not that long ago.

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