Saturday, June 26, 2010
What Secret Asian Girl is Reading Now
I started reading this book with a good deal of skepticism. A notorious atheist interpreting the parables of Jesus? Good Lord! Er, you know what I mean. Interestingly, this novel is one of a group of books called The Myths series, which "brings together some of the world's finest writers, each of whom has retold a myth in a contemporary and memorable way." Margaret Atwood, AS Byatt, Michel Faber and Alexander McCall Smith are some other authors on the project, launched in 2005. I'm not against religious criticism (in fact, I'm for it) but it's at least courageous and at the most pure genius to choose this guy to retell the Bible. Truthfully, it's not really that offensive. The premise is that Jesus Christ was not born one man but rather, twins: one Jesus and the other, Christ. Jesus went about his business pretty much as the Bible states, although exhibiting more average human traits like frustration, anger and sometimes mean-spiritedness. His twin brother, Christ, acts as PR man and chief chronologist, and sometimes Spin Doctor when required. A mysterious "stranger" appears to Christ regularly and goads him into certain actions (often involving manipulation of his brother) for the good of humanity. Christ believes it's an Angel but possibly a Satan figure...or perhaps some of both. Parts of the book were boring, parts were surprising and some were laugh-out-loud funny. I enjoyed the story at the Pool of Bethesda where the smelly, crippled beggar asks Christ to hug and kiss him to prove humanity is essentially good. Christ has to vomit several times but finally manages the task whereupon the man proceeds to relieve Christ of his wallet. Also the line (same scene) where a blind man calmly states, "I don't see any good." Metaphor Alert!! Ha ha... Is this Monty Python? Pullman's disgust for organized religion is obvious as Christ's spin on his brother's good deeds and ultimate betrayal of him (that's right, Christ not Judas) is rationalized by the conviction that after Jesus is gone, his myth (uh oh) and martyrdom (look out) will inspire goodness of humanity through an organized entity, a.k.a. the Church, something not possible if Jesus were to remain alive. The well orchestrated con - removal of Jesus's body from the cave in order to make people think he had "risen" and Christ's appearance as his twin brother to Mary Magdalene - is kind of gutsy even for Pullman but I suppose required of such a premise and not really shocking if you've read anything else by Pullman. Slow start but good ending and gives the reader pause, IF they're able to open their minds and allow the possibility of another way of thinking. Stick-in-the-mud zealots will pooh-pooh this offering and ignore it. That's okay. Go back to reading your safe, non-controversial Janet Evanovich novel. This book will take you a couple hours to read but you'll think about it a lot longer.
Friday, June 25, 2010
How BP Has Changed Children's Books
Yes, I made these up.
One fish, two fish...No more fish. Ever.
One fish, two fish...No more fish. Ever.
What's Goo in the Blue?
The Very Hungry Petroleum Conglomerate
Murky With A Chance of Tarballs
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...Wait, That's Not Chocolate!
Goodnight Fishing Industry
The Barren Stain Bears
Harry Potter and the Bucket of Sludge
Let's See What's Washed Up Today!
Tony Hayward and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Summer
The Little Containment Plan That Couldn't
Save A Purple Pelican
Curious George Goes To The Beach And...George! For God's Sake Don't Touch That, You'll Get Cancer!
Winnie the Goo
Horton Doesn't Hear A Who Or Any Other Sign of Life In the Gulf Anymore
Where The Wild Things Aren't
Angry Librarian
Why "Sanity Days" are needed from the Library and why I'm posting this from home today.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
You Oughta Be In Pictures #89: Basic Stuff
Now we're getting to the good stuff. I love using these kinds of programs to play with, to experiment with and to post in my blog. Ever since I first learned to use photo editing programs to make birthday cards I've loved the fun things you can do with a simple photo and a little creativity. I've been a longtime user of Picnik and used it to make this "LOL Dog." I don't know how we ever managed photos without digital cropping, rotating, resizing, color editing, etc. I suppose we whipped out our handy scissors and whacked away. In this "Mr. T" picture, I flipped it to make the dog look the other way and then added the caption. I sometimes contribute funny pictures to the site, ihasahotdog which is the dog version of the wildly popular cat caption site, icanhascheezburger. I have to admit, though, cats are much more surly, which makes for great captions. (Dogs are cuter, though!) I agree that Photoflexer and the free version of Photoshop are good but not very user friendly if you're just starting. And unless you can write it off on your taxes as a work expense, how many of us can spend between $200-700 on the "pro" version? For the average user, Picnik, and even Flickr provide enough basic photo editing for our needs. I used Picnik to "zombify" myself at Halloween (surely you remember that!) and to experiment with sheltie pictures. Great fun!!