I'm not sure I get this one. I read the post, looked at most of the links and here's what I know: Zines are self-published, self-edited, homemade magazines for people who have way too much time on their hands and are immersed in a subculture of highly self-indulgent interests that often go beyond popular tastes...sometimes
waaay beyond. It sounds like some libraries are catering to these interests in order to appeal to a younger, probably college undergraduate patronage, which is fine depending on the overall demographics of the library's customers. In our library's case, this would probably be a waste of shelf space. I know this because I help choose display ideas and, depending on the subject, the display either gets emptied quickly...or will sit on the shelf longer than Michael Jackson's body has. In our Young Adult display, if the book doesn't have something to do with vampires, teen angst or puberty curiosity, it's a no go. Zines seem to be very intellectual, probably not a little geeky and a tad....strange. Other than a few
homeschoolers, we don't get that type at our library (staff, yes...patrons...no). I'm not saying that they're not great examples of creative literature, just that they seem to have a specific focus audience that not all libraries attract. Would I ever make a zine? Perhaps in my youth when the world was bigger and I was egocentric enough to think anyone cared about my personal passions. In fact, why are
you reading this, anyway?